1 New Study Shows Tai Chi Improves Arthritis A newly published study conducted at the Korean National University in co-operation with myself has shown that after three months, patients have 35% less pain, 29% less stiffness, 29% more ability to perform daily tasks (like climbing stairs), as well as improved balance. This is the largest randomised study of it’s kind. The instructors of this study were trained at the Tai Chi for Arthritis Instructors Workshop. The study has also show that the program taught be instructors trained by me is safe and effective. Arthritis is the number one cause of disability in Australia. It is now a national health priority according to the President of the Arthritis Foundation of Australia, Ita Buttrose. The overall financial cost of arthritis is around $9 billion annually. If this is cut by 29%-35% you can see how much our national budget could save, let along many other health benefits tai chi can offer. This study is published in the September 2003 issue of "The Journal of Rheumatology". You can access the letter abstract online at http://www.jrheum.com/abstracts/abstracts03/2039.html 2. Accreditation and Relevance of TCAA After only a few years since it’s inception, TCAA has achieved a lot but now it has the opportunity to support accreditation curriculum by a Government body. Sport and Recreation Training Australia (SRTA), which is a government body, advises policies to the Sport and Recreation Department. In other words, this department creates policies and then Sports and Recreation execute them. Approximately six months ago, SRTA asked me to help compose tai chi programs for qualified fitness leaders at an introductory level. This means once a fitness leader is qualified from certificate level 3, they can learn this basic program as a simple introduction to tai chi. Over last four years, many fitness leaders, tai chi instructors, physiotherapists and other health professionals have taught Tai Chi for Arthritis program to the population at large. From this, many students seek out normal tai chi classes, thus tai chi for arthritis brings in more students for many tai chi instructors. Arthritis foundations around the world support this program, now the program is proven by scientific study to be effective and safe, it will gain even more support. I fee strongly that this is an excellent way to introduce tai chi and help more people by sharing tai chi with more people. The curriculum I have constructed for SRTA is the same as the curriculum of tai chi for arthritis and diabetes’ training workshop. It is checked and approved by Walt Missingham, President of the AKWF. You can see these units on line at SRTA’s website of by contacting me at service@taichiproductions.com or (02) 9533 6511. Your Help Needed Urgently As the representative body of the tai chi industry, Tai Chi Association of Australia was asked to give a position for these units. I believe this is entirely in keeping with the mission of our association. Your opinion will positively influence the outcome of this curriculum. Please write to our current president Steve Lucas slucas@m150.aone.net.au phone (03) 5122 2588 or myself at 4 Fisher Place Narwee NSW 2209. Do it now because this is the chance for us to be relevant, this is why we form an association! Your opinion is extremely important. Please consider this seriously, if you wish to influence outcome of the insurance and other issues, then you are more effective to be a member, to participate as much as possible, to join the executive committee and to support our association. Dr Paul Lam Subject: Important Announcement re: my videosIt has been brought to me attention that my video "Tai Chi for Arthritis" is being pirated. These illegal copies are of inferior quality as opposed to our broadcasting quality. They can be detected by the appearance of the cover, it is of poor quality print. There is also no address on the copyright notice on the back cover: © Copyrights Tai Chi Productions 4-6 Fisher Place, Narwee NSW 2209, Australia Phone 61 2 9533 6511 E-mail: service@taichiproductions.com Web: www.taichiproductions.com These videos have been selling in weekend markets in various cities. If you purchase these videos you will not be covered by our money back guarantee policy. You can purchase the genuine product directly from us; most arthritis foundations; all authorized Tai Chi for Arthritis instructors; major retail outlets and Reader's Digest around the world. Pirating is illegal and immoral! Our team has put a tremendous amount of effort and resources to develop this program and to produce top quality teaching materials. I have given the program FREE to Arthritis Foundations, all instructors and students. My videos and books are therefore copyrighted. I would appreciate your help by reporting any suspicious traders to your local police, copyright authority, or contact me at service@taichiproductions.com as we are taking legal action in this matter. Sincerely Dr Paul Lam